Pinnacle Presbyterian Church

Echoes (of the Word)

From the Rummage, a Community is Formed

This year Pinnacle celebrates its 14th rummage sale. The funds from the rummage sale have made it possible for over 350 students over the last decade to experience and share the love of Christ with others through mission trips and spirit-filled conferences. These trips leave a lasting impact on the students, and for that matter, the adult chaperones who attend! 

We give God thanks for the generosity of this community who donate, shop, and volunteer at the sale each year. These experiences for our youth are only made possible through our fundraising efforts. One of the greatest joys to come from the sale is the relationships that are formed. Hear from some of our superstar volunteers as to why they volunteer. 

Susan Matura: “I first started to volunteer at the rummage sale seven years ago. While there, I met a woman named Joan. Joan told me that I looked like I was twenty-five years old and that I looked too young to have children. After Joan said that to me, I thought to myself, I am coming back here again! Years later Joan now serves as the confirmation mentor to my daughter Julia. This connection all started from working the rummage sale together.” 

Pat Malpiedi: “I like to volunteer at the rummage sale because I like to play. I like to stage the furniture and home goods! It is always a wonderful opportunity for me to meet people! I attend the 8:00 am worship service, so I don’t see a lot of these volunteers until rummage sale season.”

Joan Perkins: “I like to volunteer at the rummage sale because it is a great opportunity to get together. I enjoy widening our community of rummage volunteers. There is room for everyone! Come join us!” 

Katherine Coult: “I serve with Joan as a mentor in this year's confirmation class. Through our time in confirmation, I have gotten to know Joan. When March came along, Joan shared more information about the sale and asked if I would be a part of it! It has been a great opportunity to spend time with members of our Pinnacle family.” 

As you can tell, when we as a church gather around a project, whether it is sorting rummage or going on a mission trip, we have the opportunity to grow closer to God and to one another. Sometimes things are more than they appear! Being a part of a community means working alongside others (and laughing, and sorting, and even selling!). Join this wonderful team of volunteers! Be a part of our rummage sale community. All are welcome! Please click here to sign-up to volunteer. 

Collections are still being accepted!. Please drop off your items anytime, day or night, outside of the Teen Center or in front of the Chapel.

Thank you for your ongoing support of your youth ministry and thank you to all the volunteers who make it possible! You Rock! See you at the sale! Friday, March 17th - 18th, 7:00 am - 2:00 pm. 

All my best,