For over 15 years, this community has donated, volunteered, and shopped at the rummage sale. This sale has made it possible for our students to attend week-long mission trips domestically and internationally. Although funding these mission trips is central to the purpose of these sales, the rummage sale also benefits local communities.
It’s noon on Saturday, March 23, 2024. This year's rummage sale has ended. The Fellowship Hall and Trinity Terrace are blanketed with donated items that didn't sell. The next day is Palm Sunday. The space needs to be cleared for church events the next morning. Where do these unsold items go?
This year, unsold items were provided to four primary organizations and ministry groups.
Ida Showkier - Mission Coordinator, Fountain of Life Church
Ida and her team of volunteers packed several cars and two U-Haul trucks of items. Last year, she took our donated items to the Gila River Native American Reservation and plans to take our items there again this year. She sets out our donated items at parks and community centers and invites individuals and families to take what they need - anything from clothing and kitchen appliances to furniture. She also brings with her donated food items for people to take as well.
Melissa Bates - Infinite Finds
Melissa is the President of Infinite Finds, a thrift store in Cave Creek. Established in 2017 as a 501c3 charitable organization, Melissa's organization provides resources to senior adults in our area needing long-term care.
Revs. Brandon and Kristin Willett - First Light Fellowship
Rev. Kristin Willett started the rummage at Pinnacle for the first time in 2009. She and her husband are now pastors at First Light Fellowship in Anthem. When our sale dates line up, Kristen and Brandon have received some of our unsold items and use them for the sale that they host at their church. This year, Kristin and Brandon were able to benefit from our unsold jewelry and borrowed some of our signage and clothing racks.
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul of Phoenix - Thrift Stores
Our unsold furniture items were donated to St. Vincent de Paul thrift stores. The money raised at these thrift stores supports the mission of St. Vincent de Paul - to feed, clothe, house and heal those in need.
Thank you for your support of our rummage sale and these local ministries!