Welcome to Pinnacle Presbyterian
Throughout scripture, there are references to “water in the desert.” It’s a blessing to all. Here in the beautiful desert of Scottsdale, Pinnacle Presbyterian Church seeks to be a congregation that provides living water of faith to a growing community.
At Pinnacle, we strive for inspiring worship, Christian formation for all ages, ministries of care and compassion, and practical outreach to our local community and the world at large. We seek life abundant in Christ.
Pinnacle is a caring community of believers who honor God by welcoming, showing love, encouraging, and serving others. We are made up of people from various religious and economic backgrounds, ethnicities, experiences, thoughts, and beliefs. Yet we strive to be united through God’s reconciling love in Jesus Christ — a love we experience ourselves and show the world.
Come join us, and share in Christ with us. You are welcome here.
Service Schedule
8:00 am | Chapel
• Service lasts approximately 45–minutes
• There is special music and hymns sung
• Nursery care provided in the Chapel Nursery
• Communion celebrated each week
• A more intimate setting
• Refreshments served on the terrace following worship
• Simple liturgy, or order of worship
10 am Worship in the Sanctuary
• Service lasts approximately one hour
• The full Chancel Choir leads the congregation in worship
• Nursery care provided in the Sanctuary Nursery
• Children’s Message
• Children’s Church School
Children's Classes
All Pre-K - 5th grade families are invited to check in at the Welcome Desk, located just inside the circular drive entrance to the sanctuary.
For your infant or toddler
For infants and toddlers under three years old, professional and nurturing care is provided in our Nursery. Parents are provided pagers so they can be called as needed during the service.
Church School for your children
Pinnacle offers a warm and nurturing program that is designed to create excitement in learning about our Christian faith. Participants, 3 years through 5th grade explore the Bible stories and Christian beliefs through hands-on activities, storytelling, and mission opportunities. Our learning community is also strengthened by family fellowship events and opportunities to connect our faith to specific acts of service in the church and community.
For your teen
Youth, grades 6 through 12, remain in worship and are invited to participate in Youth Groups at 11:30 am.