On the radio last week, the program host was contemplating how long after the first of January is it socially acceptable to wish someone a happy new year. I think she concluded that once February arrives it is time to ditch the happy new year saying. The exception to that is if a person was seeing someone for the first time since January. How long do you wish someone a happy new year?
Like many, I often use this transition in our calendar from one year to the next to reflect on past experiences and set some goals for the twelve months that are to come. But this year, I took a different approach. Instead of putting so much focus and pressure on all the things that I wish I was better at or did not accomplish in 2022, I decided to rest and rejoice in the assurance that God has already made me enough. There is nothing I have done or can do that will ever change that. It is true for me and it is true for you.
Across one of the walls in the Teen Center in big letters is a sign that reads You Are Enough. It is a fairly new addition to our wall decor (I love it)! My plan is to put pictures of our Pinnacle youth all around that sign! I even purchased a polaroid camera, so that when new students or guests join us, we can add them to our wall. I pray that all in that space may feel a sense of belonging and acceptance knowing God has made them enough, just the way they are.
Take a few deep breaths and read these words out loud. Allow yourself to hear them.
I am a beloved child of God.
God has made me enough. Period.
Siblings in Christ, Happy New Year.