In the first week of January 2023 the Music Ministry held its annual Christmas party. We filled the whole Fellowship Hall with multiple tables and chairs in order to fit all involved. The Music Ministry at Pinnacle is a large enterprise. In order to run successfully it relies on almost all the Pinnacle staff and an army of volunteers. From the maintenance, logistics, multiple rehearsal, worship and concert setups, cleaning, AV and recording needs, designs, brochures, bulletins, programs, advertising, communication, administration, finance, rentals, payroll, instruments maintenance, ushers, greeters, shepherds, proofreaders, through all our pastors' unconditional support and involvement, to the Spirit-inspired creativity flowing from the music team. Delivering music and arts at Pinnacle is quite an undertaking.
We have many groups within the ministry and connect with many folks on a regular basis: Chancel Choir and its alumni, Pinnacle Pealers, Sing For Life Chorus, Pinnacle Concert Series ushers and supporters, Youth musicians, Children choirs and their parents. So many people volunteer their time, talent and resources to be a part of Pinnacle's Music Ministry, it is humbling. We have skilled singers and instrumentalists in our midst who share their music during worship and concerts. But our volunteers do not only share their musical talents - they also take care of multiple libraries, sheet music, robes, music supplies, rosters, party decorations, concert staging, liturgical arts, ushering, cleaning, welcoming, organizing parties and events, and so much more. They lovingly take care of each other through the so-called "Shepherd system," in which designated "shepherds" make sure folks who need help receive it.
Music is a language, and as such it has a power of expressing what’s impossible to express otherwise. In the particular case of Pinnacle it proves to have one more vital quality - the transformative power of creating and supporting a community. During the party we summed up our accomplishments in 2022. We delivered many meaningful worship services and concerts, with which we know we are adding purpose to our own lives. But, more importantly, we have learned we are able to touch the lives of those who are in attendance. I am humbled by the amount of wonderful messages, emails and in person comments we received after multiple worship services, Faure's Requiem, Phantom of the Organ, Veterans Day Tribute, Celebration of Christmas, Sing For Life concert, and our Easter and Christmas Eve services especially.
To volunteer in Pinnacle's Music Ministry requires a substantial time commitment, and often volunteers share their time and talent despite their own health issues, despite being the only caretakers of their ill partners or children, despite work related issues, despite many other complications that life often brings.
I am in continuous awe of this community, and I can't thank you enough...
For the values and beliefs we all share which propel us forward every day.
For the meaning you have brought to my life.
For allowing me to utilize my skills for the greater good.
For the strong sense of purpose which wakes me up every morning and accompanies every decision and move I make.
God's Love shines through your eyes and resides in your hearts. You ARE the CHURCH, my Friends. It's obvious to me. Thank you. Onward!