Family Practice
Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Proverbs 23:15-25
and Acts 2:42-47
Follow and Share - Youth Sunday
Scripture: Isaiah 6:1-8
and Matthew 16:24-26
Youth Sermons by Paige Lisk
and Kourtney O'Connor
The Cost of Discipleship
Dr. Allen Hilton
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-3 and
Luke 14:25-33
Three on Jesus: Sovereign
Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Isaiah 32:1-8
and John 18:33-27
Three on Jesus: Priest
Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Psalm 23
and John 10:1-15
Performative Utterances
Sermon by: Dr. Tina Campbell
Scripture: Proverbs 15:1-2
and Ephesians 4:29
Learning About Jesus
Sermon by: Pastor Luc Deratus
and Rev. Kelsy Brown
Scripture: Philippians 2:1-11