Finding Joy in a Hazardous World
Rev. Scott Fischer
Scriptures: Isaiah 40:1-5 and Luke 2:25-38
Who But the Lord?
Dr. Wes Avram
Scriptures: Isaiah 9:1-6 and John 1:1-10
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
Dr. Michael Hegeman
Scripture: Micah 5:2-5a and Luke 1:39-56
Jesus' Root: Isaiah's Vision Part 2 - A Child-led Climb
Dr. Wes Avram
Scripture: Isaiah 11:6-10
Jesus Root: Isaiah's Vision Pt. 1 - Stumping for the Kingdom
Dr. Wes Avram
Scripture: Isaiah 10:33 - 11:6
Who Am I?
Rev. Frank Harmon
Scripture: Exodus 20:1-8 and Mark 8:27-30
Won't You Be My Neighbor
Rev. Kelsy Brown
Scripture: I Kings 17:8-24
For the Living of this Hour
Dr. Wes Avram
Scripture: Jeremiah 6:13-15
Ephesians 6:10-18
The Explosion
Dr. Allen Hilton
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-3a and Acts 2:1-13
Acting Out Pt 6 - Jesus, Continued
Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Acts 3:1-13a