First Word Edgewise Pt. 5 - God Loves This Way
Dr. Michael Hegeman
Scripture: Ruth 1:1-18
First Word Edgewise Pt. 4 - God Wants This Way
Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Jeremiah 1:1-10, 17-19
Pinnacle Presbyterian, Sub Specie Aeternatis
Guest Preacher:
Rev. Dr. Will Willimon
Scripture: Acts 2:43-47
First Word Edgewise Pt. 3 - God Wants This Way
Dr Wesley Avram
Scripture: Exodus 19:1-9, 24-20:18
First Word Edgewise Pt.2 - God is this Way
Dr Wesley Avram
Scripture: Genesis 2:2-18 and 2:25-3:8
First Word Edgewise Pt.1 - God Acts this Way
Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Exodus 15:11-25a
Children, Go Where I Send Thee!
Dr Michael Hegeman
Scripture: Jeremiah 1:4-9 and
Luke 10:1-12