With Sighs too Deep for Words
Dr. Michael Hegeman
Scripture: Romans 8:22-27
Like a Mother
Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture: Hosea 11: 3-4; Isaiah 66:13; Luke 13:34
Youth Sunday
Testimonies from Evan Punches, Christopher Matura, and Caroline Johnson
Scripture: Matthew 5:13-16
The Rugged Road to Relief
Dr. Allen Hilton
Scripture: John 18:15-18, 25-27; John 21:15-19
Loving to the End
Maundy Thursday
Dr. Wesley Avram
Scripture John 13:1-30
Palm Sunday - A Reading of the Passion
Nancy Schamadan, Danika Bussey, Rev. Terilyn Lawson, & Dr. Michael Hegeman
Scripture: Mark 14:10-16:8